Filming Process

 I was really looking forward to filming at the mall with my group. We had been planning for weeks and I was eager to start recording some scenes. As soon as we got there, I quickly set up the equipment we needed to start filming. We managed to record a few seconds of one scene, but unfortunately, the mall closed early, which forced us to postpone some of the other scenes. Even though we only captured half of one scene, I wish we could have covered more footage according to our storyboard.

Transportation was the toughest part of the filming process, as all of us had to figure out a way to get there. However, we have another date to film and in the meantime, I will be editing the footage we captured. I anticipate that we should be able to cover 2 to 3 scenes in our next filming session.

The mall was quite crowded at first, but fortunately, as time passed, fewer people were around. This allowed us to film without many disturbances from the outside. However, it was still a challenge trying to find a spot where there wouldn't be too many people in the background of our video. Even though people were in the way, we managed to almost complete one scene. I'm confident that the next time we film, we will be able to finish this scene. The worst-case scenario would be having to move to another mall to film instead.

Hopefully, we won't experience the same challenges with the next filming session. Our next filming should be more productive since transportation should be easier to manage. I'm excited about our next film session and look forward to what we will be able to capture.


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