Film Review
Now that I had some progress on the editing it was time to start expanding the critique to other people who weren't in my group. First I went to my brother and showed him the film to see how he'd react and feel about what we had so far. He has some experience with film but he isn't professional, he had just done something like this back at his highschool and he was familiar with most of the terms we are currently using as well as some simple techniques. The reaction from him was well received however it was mild and he did have alot of constructive criticism to give me, he first mentioned how the acting was alright but could be improved and how wonky some of the lighting looked in our scenes and how it didn't match up to give it a nice flow. Other than that he said it was okay for a 2 minute film introduction and could be improved with the right editing techniques and patience. After I had asked him about how he felt about the film I decided to go ask my close friend who doesn't have much film experience at all either but she does love her fair share of movies. After she watched the film she did have a mixed reaction, she thought it was good but again needed alot of improvement. She mentioned how some of the scenes dont flow well with each other and it just looks like jump uts every-time a scene switches, which makes it look incredibly awkward. She also gave some criticism on some of the filler in the scenes and what I should cut out to make it fit our time limit even more. Needless to say both had a good reaction however there is a ton of space for improvement and I will most definitely take the criticism and see how I can fix and implement their suggestions to make this perfect for an audience.
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